In a wide-ranging conversation, we discuss:
— Why it's important that we become more trauma-informed; both individually and collectively
— How trauma impacts the body and nervous system
— Why trauma exists on a continuum, and how the same experiences can affect people in different ways
— The power of authenticity in the therapeutic relationship
— The dangers of unrecognised trauma, and some symptoms that indicate someone may have had a traumatic experience.
And a whole lot more.
After receiving his doctorate in clinical psychology, Guy spent several years studying the impact and treatment of trauma and early psychosis. In 2014, he founded The Trauma Therapist Project to raise awareness of trauma and create an educational and supportive community for new trauma workers. His podcast has an audience in more than 160 countries.
You can learn more about Guy’s work at, and follow him on Twitter @guy_phd.
Relevant Links:
— Guy’s website:
— Guy’s newsletter:
— The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk: Score-Transformation-Trauma/dp/0141978619
— Bruce Perry’s books:
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