Greetings from a world where…
ChinAI is now six years old, which means it should be beginning to speak in simple but complete sentences, tell time, and develop a sense of humor, but let's not put too much pressure on it to hit these milestones. After all, all newsletters develop at their own pace.
…***Thanks folks for getting the paid subscriptions back up a bit in the past few weeks; if you you’ve valued the output from year six, please consider subscribing here to support ChinAI under a Guardian/Wikipedia-style tipping model (everyone gets the same content but those who can pay support access for all AND compensation for awesome ChinAI contributors). As always, the searchable archive of all past issues is here.
The Rise and Fall of Technological Leadership: General-Purpose Technology Diffusion and Economic Power Transitions
How do technological revolutions produce economic power transitions? Last week, I tackled this [...]
First published:
March 25th, 2024
Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.