On this week’s episode, we brought back a very special guest and probably one of the top 5 smartest people I know — John Street Capital. While he remains anonymous on the internet, he’s a good friend of the podcast. What makes John Street so unique is his deep understanding of everything from infrastructure, tech, banking, corporate development, VCs, trading, and more. John Street spends most of his time producing some incredibly thoughtful content on Medium. If you listen to John Street, I promise you’ll have a more clear understanding of how the markets work. On top of having such an insightful guest, I also had Don Nitti, a former Panic guest and portfolio manager, join me to help co-host this episode. In this episode, the guys and I talk about liquidity, private and public markets, exchange and crossover funds, why John Street is bullish on crypto, DeFi, regulations, buying the dip, retail investing, Coinbase, Citadel, Robinhood, Square, and more. Enjoy!
Guest - John Street Capital
howardlindzon.com, john-street-capital.medium.com
Twitter: @howardlindzon, @JohnStCapital, @knutjensen @jetstarcapital
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