In this week's challenging new message from Lead Pastor Erwin McManus, we are invited to embark on a journey through the most important questions we must ask ourselves. Pastor Erwin points out that though we may have many questions for Jesus, the questions that will ultimately bring us transformation are the ones that Jesus asks us.
Throughout the scriptures, Jesus’s question asks questions that cut to the core of people. In Matthew 16, he asks Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" Pastor Erwin explains that the choices we make in every arena of our lives reflects who we really believe Jesus to be.
In John 1 and Luke 18, Jesus asks his followers, "What do you want?" and, "What do you want me to do for you?" Though we may assume that God should tell us what to want, Jesus turns the question on us and challenges us to be honest with God about what we want Him to do in and through our lives.
Lastly, Jesus asks his followers in John 6: “Will you leave me, also?" Pastor Erwin reveals that when we first give our lives to Jesus, we are usually surrendering our most broken parts to him. But the true test of our commitment comes when God asks for all of us - not just pieces of us.
If you've been on a journey of questioning Jesus, this message will help you navigate the most essential questions that Jesus asks of you. These questions will deepen your connection with Jesus and give essential direction to your life.