In this heart-rending continuation of a three-part series detailing Alexa and Jordan's journey with their son, Gabriel Vincent, the narrative deepens further. The couple recounts their challenging moments, starting with the confirmation of Gabriel's Down syndrome diagnosis, a revelation that brought with it a complex mix of emotions. As they navigate these feelings, the story takes an unexpected turn. Alexa faces symptoms of preterm labor during an already stressful situation at the airport. This episode offers an intimate and raw insight into the trials and tribulations that Alexa and Jordan endured.
Today on That Sex Chick:
- The pivotal moment: confirming Gabriel's Down syndrome diagnosis
- Navigating a spectrum of emotions and the path to acceptance
- Embracing and anticipating life with a child with Down syndrome
- Alexa & Jordan’s airport experience and the anxiety of preterm labor signs
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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions