Telegram, the bad boy of social messaging, is in deep trouble. Its CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested by the French police on alleged failure to mitigate the misuse of its platform for criminal activities. When Telegram started, it was hailed as a champion of freedom of speech and information sharing. Over the last few years however, it has become a hotbed for the exchange of pirated content, child pornography and other alleged terrorism and criminal acts. Governments across the world have had problems with Durov and his platform. But there have never been so serious questions about its future as now. Host Anirban Chowdhury explores with Kevin Curran, Professor of Cybersecurity at Ulster University, Siddhant Jain founder of VdoCipher and an active voice against anti-piracy and ET’s Aashish Aryan.
Credits: BBC News, CBC News: The National, TechCrunch,
You can follow Anirban Chowdhury on his social media: Twitter and Linkedin
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