Last week we talked all about the art of creation and The Law of Compensation (listen to that episode if you haven’t), and today we’re moving into the art of receiving. I want to talk about the importance of the art of receiving in calling in our desires, manifestations, and abundance because many people, including myself, have blocks around receiving due to societal norms, self-imposed limitations, and guilt. When you tune in, you will hear my personal experiences as well as the experiences of the hundreds of people I’ve coached as I highlight common blocks, especially around money and support that prevent us from receiving fully. The big takeaway that I hope you get from this episode is that by understanding when we are able to expand our capacity for goodness and recognizing existing abundance, we set the stage for more to flow into our lives. I provide actionable practices for enhancing our ability to receive, such as accepting compliments, noticing small blessings, and getting comfortable with more abundance. Enjoy!
Check out this and recent episodes here.
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The Money, Manifestation & Business Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.
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