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Check out this week's podcast where I expose the not-so-secret TC39 committee and how much JavaScript you need to know before moving on to a framework like React or Angular or whatever.
It's an opinionated break down of what you should study and how to test your knowledge to build a solid foundation.
As a challenge that you will either find easy or incredibly difficult, check this out. I used to give this out to junior and not-so-junior developers as a test of their skills.
All the best,
Shameless Plugs
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Shameless Plugs
(NEW) Parsity's The Inner Circle Program - a highly customized roadmap to take you from 0 to hired. For career changers who want to pivot into software.
🚀 Dev30 - Learn JavaScript in 30 days and build in public with a group. We run this once per quarter. People love it. Seriously, a no brainer.
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