The CPG Guys welcome Cyndi Loza, Managing Editor - Member Content at Path to Purchase Institute, which offers consumer product marketing executives and brandmanagers a holistic, 360-degree view of the shopper journey.
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Here's what we asked Cyndi:
- Let’s start with the research behind the Retail Media Network Trends Study. How long have you been doing it, when was the research conducted, how large was the audience of participants and what was the professional makeup of the survey participants?
- What did the participants tell you about the change in their RMN investments vs last year and how did that differ from the responses last year? And what is the breakdown of budget sources for RMN investment?
- What is the general sentiment from participants assessing RMNs and what challenges are they facing in working with these entities?
- What do your respondents tell you is the promise that they want RMNs to deliver and what is the next frontier for advancement in this media channel?
- In the survey, you produced assessment on 25 RMNs across 7 attributes. Would you walk us through this part of the survey and any particular call outs you would like to make in terms of which platform)s) really stood out to your respondents?
- What was the overall assessment of RMNs and where did your participants rank it in terms of importance relative to other marketing channels they employ?
- What components of RMN offerings are core to brand strategies and which ones are growing vs. declining in terms of budget investments for your respondents?
- Examining incrementality specifically as an output, how are participants defining incrementality and what challenges are they facing extracting this from all of the RMNs they employ?
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