Hidden Heroes publishing is the initiative by Netguru that aims to pay tribute to people who built foundations of modern technology. Together with Steven Johnson, the author of all the stories we set out on the mission to uncover the real roots of innovation and the history of technology.
Because the world of innovation has generated such vast fortunes for a select few set of people, when we think about where progress comes from or where important world changing ideas come from, our attention gets naturally drawn towards the charismatic entrepreneurs, CEOs and business leaders.
We want to steer our attention away from those familiar stories of the heroic tech billionaire founders and to say that there is another history there – uncelebrated, unknown. We hope that Hidden Heroes will help people better understand our society and connect the past with the future to inspire future generations of innovators, developers, and software engineers. We want to give people who created crucial solutions we take for granted today credit they truly deserve.
Each story is available for you to read on a dedicated page hiddenheroes.netguru.com but now you can also listen to them through your favorite streaming platform. I hope you will enjoy uncovering the true foundations that shaped the world we live in today. Subscribe to our podcast to stay up to date with the latest stories!
Read more: hiddenheroes.netguru.com