Is your small business competitive? Whether you are starting a business, or running and growing a small business, you must be able to beat the competition in your selected market for your business to remain viable.
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On this episode Henry shares his thoughts and tips on remaining competitive in your market or expanding and shifting into new markets in order to remain competitive.
While the business idea is the "what" of the business, the business model is the "how." Your business model is how you will run your business to make a profit, have the ability grow, and remain competitive.
Staying competitive is essential for long-term growth and success of your business.
Being competitive starts with understanding your Competitive Landscape. Who are the competitors in your market? What is their position? Are they dominant or is there truly an opportunity to compete or displace them? If it’s a new competitor, are going to be able to leapfrog you unless you change something?
Topics covered on this episode include:
What it means to be a competitive small business. Blue Ocean Strategy. Signs Your Business is NOT competitive. How to help your small business remain competitive.
Staying competitive isn’t just about competing—it’s about innovating, understanding your unique strengths, and focusing on your customers.
Remaining competitive in business requires offering unique value, understanding the competitive landscape, and using strategies like differentiation and the Blue Ocean Strategy. A small business can lose its competitiveness because of stagnant innovation which ultimately results in declining profits. A small business most remaining competitive, including refining a unique value proposition, exploring new markets, and continuous innovation.
This episode is hosted by Henry Lopez. The How of Business podcast focuses on helping you start, run and grow your small business. The How of Business is a top-rated podcast for small business and entrepreneurs. Find the best podcast, small business coaching, resources and trusted service partners for small business owners and entrepreneurs at our website