Jon Roffe joined Cooper and Taylor to discuss Deleuze and a Post-Kantian examination of markets and pricing. Time, inscription, all prices being derivative, and much more.
Jon Roffe teaches philosophy at the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy. He is the author of Gilles Deleuze’s Empiricism and Subjectivity (Edinburgh University Press, 2017), Abstract Market Theory (Palgrave, 2015) and Badiou’s Deleuze (Acumen 2012). He is the co-author of Deleuze’s Philosophical Lineage II (Edinburgh University Press, 2019) and Deleuze’s Philosophical Lineage (Edinburgh University Press, 2009), Practising with Deleuze (Edinburgh University Press, 2017) and Lacan Deleuze Badiou (Edinburgh University Press, 2013), and co-editor of a number of volumes on 20th-century French thought.
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