Driven by nature, Donnie has consistently let the outdoors and his passion for adventure be the compass for his life. The wide open expanses of the world’s most remote territories dominate his thoughts and conversations. Deep in the heart of the wildest of terrain is where Donnie thrives. On his expeditions into remote wilds, in the lands where seemingly no one lives, he finds a wilderness and peacefulness that is all his own. The premier example of explorer, biologist, conservationist, and sportsman, Donnie takes a wider view of the topics he tackles while in the field, because to him, this is all a story worth telling. A story of ancestral heritage, native respect and the desire to live strongly, empowering us all to open our minds to the bigger picture and inspiring us to find our own adventure.
Time Stamps:
0:08:30 Podcast begins
0:09:40 The story of Steve
0:15:30 What is it like to hunt for multiple days on end?
0:20:15 Being in the wilderness for long periods of time is engraved in our DNA
0:27:30 You will die one day.. so what is the quality of your lifespan?
0:31:30 What is Donnie's diet like, and does he eat organ meat?
0:39:55 The wolves Donnie has encountered
0:50:10 Has Donnie ever been hunted by an animal?
0:53:00 Donnie's story and how he started hunting
1:02:15 The effects taking Heart & Soil supplements
1:03:30 What hunts does Donnie have in the near future?
1:07:00 Donnie's experience in Alaska
1:18:05 Where to find more of Donnie's work
1:19:05 Will Donnie and I go hunting in the future?
1:20:45 Why are most people uncomfortable with hunting?
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