Almost 20,000 Ukrainian children have been kidnapped by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv’s official data. Russia’s figures are much bigger: it says it has relocated more than half a million of Ukrainian children - and is not going to give them back. This is a horrible, systematic policy of depriving the Ukrainian nation of its future.
The Explaining Ukraine podcast invites Khrystyna Shkudor, advocacy manager of the campaign “Where Are Our People?” ( The campaign is aimed at uncovering Russia's policy of forcible deportations of Ukrainians. It is run by PR Army, a Ukrainian non-profit communication initiative.
Host: Volodymyr Yermolenko, Ukrainian philosopher, chief editor of UkraineWorld, and president of PEN Ukraine
UkraineWorld ( is brought to you by Internews Ukraine, one of the largest Ukrainian media NGOs.
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