Speaker 1
Because once they had this monotheistic thought, there's only one cause of a condition, and let's not blame the patient for doing anything to cause that, then they had to create these artificial scenarios. But then they've been propagandizing Americans for the last hundred plus years. Remember when the AMA had all the full page ads for smoking cigarettes that was good for you? 36,000 doctors, 1,000 doctors smoke Lucky Strikes, and Chesterfield is good, and Marlboro soothes your throat, etc. All lies. They were wrong. And Alan Greenspan and the thousands of economists he had access to at the Federal Reserve. They were wrong. Something you and I could see and anyone who was paying attention could see, we had a lopsided economy. We had too many people who didn't have enough money getting liar's loans. And so they had all this real estate, and they were flipping it, and they might have a loan for $300,000 on a $60,000 salary. They shouldn't be given a loan. The banks lied, the mortgage companies lied, and the persons lied. And then it all collapsed in 2008. No lessons learned. We're right back to where we were. So in science, science is almost always the first to commit the sin of not doing any harm. Because if you get the science wrong, then medicine is going to get it wrong. Because medicine is not going to challenge you, they're going to trust you, especially if you publish your results in a peer review journal. It's respected New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet. But then Dr. Angel, for 22 years, I believe, the editor-in of the New England Journal of Medicine, said that we got it wrong. There's about somewhere around 60% of many of the peer-reviewed studies that can't be duplicated. Well, if you can't duplicate an experiment and come out with the same results, it's bad science. But what if you then take that science and make that into medicine, and then you mandate the medicines, like the vaccines? And it's just, it's crazy. Our entire medical, industrial, and scientific establishment, so much of it is wrong, and so many people have died, iatrogenesis, medically induced death, and yet nothing has changed, nothing has reformed.