Episode 51: Queerness in medicine
This week the panel are joined by Dr Joseph Hartland, a doctor who works at the University of Bristol Medical School overseeing the teaching of diversity and protected characteristics, to discuss how queerness is seen at medical school. To put the conversation in context, the Sharp Scratch team also had a conversation with Tommy Dickinson, author of the book ‘Curing Queers’, about the history and the legacy of LGBTQ+ issues in the NHS.
If you have been distressed or affected by any of the topics discussed in this programme, you can seek support from :
LGBT Foundation Helpline (0900-0900 weekdays) - https://lgbt.foundation/helpline
Switchboard.lgbt (phone line 1000-2200) - https://switchboard.lgbt
Stonewall What’s in My Area? - https://www.stonewall.org.uk/help-advice/whats-my-area
Mindline Trans+ (National Line, Mondays and Fridays from 2000 to 0000.) - https://bristolmind.org.uk/help-and-counselling/mindline-transplus