It's the question a lot of us are asking right now ... Are we in a recession or not?
Megan Rabuse, aka the Family Finance Mom, joins me to answer this question and share what we can do to become recession-proof.
Also, Chris Luger from Minnesota shares how becoming mortgage free has allowed him to push toward becoming a millionaire!
Last but not least, my son Calvin is here to share another Good Word. This month, we're sharing the story of the Michigan bus drivers who saved a baby's life after a carjacking.
**Sponsor + Partners + Deals:
Meghan Rabuse (Family Finance Mom + Finance Explained Podcast)
Chris Luger (Heavy Metal Money)
Good Word of the Month (Bus Drivers Save Baby in Michigan)
GUEST BIO - Meghan Rabuse:
Meghan spent nearly a decade as a Financial Analyst, before spending the last 7+ as a SAHM to three little ones.
She shares simple money tips for moms to help their family reach their financial goals by building a financial plan they can LIVE with!
Family Wealth and Happiness: 10 Steps to a Better Tomorrow (Today)
Inflation Up, Stocks Down. What Should I Do?
50% to 10%: Why We're Happy Saving Less in FIRE Journey
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SHOW INFORMATION: Marriage Kids and Money
Marriage Kids and Money is dedicated to helping young families build wealth and happiness. This award-winning platform helps couples and parents achieve financial independence and discover the true meaning of wealth.
To achieve these big goals, we answer questions and interview experts who uncover smart net worth building habits and tools that can help everyone find their own version of financial independence.
Learn more at
HOST BIO: Andy Hill
Andy Hill is the award-winning family finance coach behind Marriage Kids and Money - a platform dedicated to helping young families build wealth and happiness.
Andy's advice and personal finance experience have been featured in major media outlets like CNBC, Forbes, MarketWatch, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and NBC News. With millions of downloads and views, Andy’s message of family financial empowerment has resonated with listeners, readers and viewers across the world.
When he's not "talking money", Andy enjoys watching his kids play soccer, singing karaoke with his wife and watching Marvel movies.
This show may contain affiliate links or links from our advertisers where we earn a commission, direct payment or products.
Opinions are the creators alone.
Information shared on this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.
Marriage Kids and Money ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Research & Writing: Andy Hill
Podcast Artwork: Liz Theresa
Editor: Podcast Doctors
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