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friends, go to socket.dev. Security dependencies. Socket is on the front lines of securing the open source ecosystem, their developer first security platform that protects your code from both vulnerable and malicious dependencies. Install the GitHub app or book a demo. Again, socket.dev. That's S-O And by our friends over at Superbase, here in the breaks, I'm here with Ant Wilson, CTO over at Superbase. So Ant, I know our listeners know a lot about Superbase, but who are you? So I'm the
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CTO at Superbase. And so I care a lot about the platform, it comes to uptime, security, availability. But I'm also extremely passionate about bringing Superbase to more developers.
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OK, so bringing Postgres to more developers. I'm a big fan of that. We love Postgres here at Changelog. A lot of developers feel like the main choice or a primary choice for them is Amazon Web Services, AWS, right? No one gets fired for using Amazon Web Services, but Superbase is build no weekend, scale to billions. What's your vantage point on this as CTO of Superbase? When I started in my career,
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AWS was kind of like new and shiny. And it was so cool that you could go to this website and spin up infrastructure and then they give you all the tools to manage it you can drop into the console you can kind of do whatever you want and you pay for it on a usage basis if you use a little bit you you get a little bit if you use a lot you pay a lot the expectations of developers have raised since then and i think will continue to be raised because no longer want to manage my own infrastructure. I don't want to drop into the console every time I get an additional 10,000 users on my platform to tweak the knobs and make sure that the service is still up. Oh, by the way, I've now got to go and make adjustments to the API gateway to allow for a new geography or whatever it is. I don't want to do that stuff. I want to concentrate on building the cool stuff that I imagined the night before. And I think just giving people the ability to focus on the cool thing you want to build and not have to worry about the infrastructure anymore is kind of the promise of Superbase. That will change in the future as well. You know, now you have to write your schemas like you shouldn't have to do that in the future. Again, just focus on the cool thing that you want to build. Well,
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Superbase is open source. You can self-host it if you want to. It is Postgres for life. It is open source for life. Authentication, instant APIs,is edge functions real-time subscriptions storage vector embeddings things for ai it's got it all and no servers managed by you just build your app build on a weekend scale to billions as you grow learn more about their recent launch week at superbase.com/launch week or go to superbase.com and get started once again superbase.com that's S U P A B A S E.com.
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So anytime you reflect on 10,000 hours of programming, surely Stack Overflow comes into those reflections. And turns out it did, because one of your findings or one of the things that you believe now, after all this time, is that browsing the source is almost always faster than finding an answer on Stack Overflow. Now, I kind of agree with you, but I also kind of disagree. So I'd love to have you elaborate a little bit on this one. Yeah,
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I mean, this is one that I've found super helpful, just because the code can never lie. And the documentation could be out of date. The blog post you're reading could be out of date. The Stack Overflow answer could be out of date. But if you're looking at the right commit, then the code necessarily can't be out of date. I do think that it's maybe a little bit language dependent. I write a lot of Go. So, you know, there's Go docs, there's the code organization in Go is maybe a little easier to grok than something like JavaScript, where APIs can kind of be all over the place. And you're using libraries that might be nested 10 libraries deep. But for the most part, I've found that just looking at the code is the right way to go.
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Now, what if you're looking at some code on Stack Overflow? Still could be, still looking at the code, right? Code can't lie.