Struggling with "checkbox marketing" and creating content that actually connects with your audience?
Mark Huber (UserEvidence), Brendan Hufford (Growth Sprints), Jess Cook (Island), and Brooklin Nash (Beam Content) break down building a content POV that resonates.
What’s working in B2B marketing:
Creating a POV that focuses on solving real customer problems, not just pushing your product, builds lasting trust and engagement. Don’t create content that just pushes your product.
What’s not working in B2B marketing:
STICKING TO A CONTENT CHECKLIST Relying on the same old content formats and routines without a clear, compelling POV is causing teams to miss out on real engagement. It’s time to move past "checkbox marketing" and create content that truly matters.
Key takeaways:
- Go beyond checkbox marketing: It's not about doing everything on the list. Instead, focus on creating purposeful content that solves real problems. Checking boxes won’t position your brand as a trusted partner, but creating content with intention will.
- Strong POVs drive engagement: When your POV is clear and speaks to your audience's challenges, it drives engagement and builds trust. Those long-term relationships then create more lasting value.
- Solve problems, not just pitch products: Your content shouldn’t always be about your product. When you lead with the problem your audience is facing, you open up more opportunities to build genuine connections.
- Leadership buy-in is critical: Getting leadership aligned with a content strategy that goes beyond metrics is crucial. When leadership trusts in the long-term vision, it’s easier to step away from safe, metrics-driven content.
- Listen to your audience first: The best content starts with understanding your audience. Whether through direct feedback or collaboration with internal teams, insights from your audience guide the way to more relevant and impactful content.
Things to listen for:
(00:00) Introduction
(01:10) Why B2B marketing teams play it safe
(03:06) The problem with checkbox marketing
(05:48) Developing a POV with clear imperatives
(11:34) How a focused message attracts the right audience
(13:24) Balancing high-level concepts and tactical insights
(17:49) Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches to content strategy
(34:16) Building your POV around customer insights
(37:22) Driving cross-team content with a unified strategy
(40:01) Breaking content into key themes and pillars
(46:37) Standing out in a crowded market with distinct messaging
(48:37) Final thoughts on crafting impactful content