A verse-by-verse study of the Last Supper in Matthew 26; Mark 14; and John 13. This lesson focuses on the plot against Jesus, a pound of spikenard, pragmatism and pietism, temple building or humanitarian aid, Judas arranging the betrayal, preparing for Passover, the upper room, arguing over preeminence, washing the Apostles' feet, breaking bread & lifting heels, Is it I?, the Second Coming Sacrament Meeting, a New Testament in Body & Blood, the Sacrament Bread, the Sacrament Wine, the Savior's Love, Spotting a True Disciple, and more.
0:00 Introduction
5:10 Plotting Jesus' Death
13:26 Mary Anoints Jesus
29:52 The Price of Spikenard
40:09 To What Purpose Is this Waste
48:48 Temple Building or Humanitarian Aid
57:50 Let Her Alone
1:10:58 She Hath Done What She Could
1:20:46 Judas Agreeing to Betray Jesus
1:32:54 Preparing for the Passover
1:40:17 Large, Upper, Furnished, Prepared
1:50:42 The Last Supper & Double Desire
2:03:35 Arguing Over Preeminence
2:11:41 Washing the Apostles' Feet
2:26:51 Peter Overswinging the Pendulum
2:43:11 Breaking Bread & Lifting Heels
2:56:02 Prophesying the Betrayal
3:05:39 Lord, Is It I
3:18:38 Judas Departs
3:23:19 Last Supper to Second Coming Sacrament Meeting
3:35:50 A New Testament in Body & Blood
3:46:29 The Sacrament Bread
3:53:21 The Sacrament Wine
4:00:06 Love As the Savior Loved
4:10:32 Spotting a True Disciple
4:22:51 Singing a Hymn
4:30:36 Conclusion