“He’s so smart, but he’s no longer interested in school—or any 'offline' activities.”
“She used to love sports, but now she just mopes around.”
“My kid has turned into such a slacker!”
If this sounds like your child, you need to listen to this episode!
This week, my friend @Dr. Ellen Braaten shares insights from her new book, Bright Kids Who Couldn't Care Less: How to Rekindle Your Child's Motivation.
Kids who have lost the will to do anything (other than play video games) need more than simple encouragement or the “right” school, teacher, or coach to get back on track. Instead, Dr. Braaten helps parents understand the myriad biological, emotional, cognitive, and social factors that affect motivation—and build a plan to boost their child’s confidence, incentive to learn, and engagement in life.
Dr. Braaten's approach is to explore the issue of kids who couldn’t care less from many different vantage points, starting with identifying the problem—why is it that so many kids don’t seem to care about anything?
Dr. Ellen Braaten's Bio:
Ellen Braaten, PhD, is Executive Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, and Visiting
Professor at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. She has been affiliated with MGH and HMS since 1998. Dr. Braaten is widely recognized for her expertise in pediatric neuropsychological and
psychological assessment, particularly in the areas of assessing learning disabilities and attentional disorders. Follow Dr. Braaten at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellen-braaten-275a7b11/
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