Dreams embody our hopes, fears, and creativity. They come from our unconscious pool of wisdom as a viable means of knowledge of self as we commit to valuing and honoring them by tracking, recording, and thinking about the messages they’re trying to reveal. They’re a permanent witness to our life’s journey, a portable, practical, and unlimited resource. Linda Yael Schiller, MSE, LICSW is a psychotherapist who has taught dream work and run dream groups for over three decades. She teaches and consults on trauma treatment, PTSD, and nightmares. She is the author of Modern Dreamwork: New Tools for Decoding Your Soul’s Wisdom (Llewellyn Publications 2019) and PTSDreams: Transform Your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork (Llewellyn Publications 2021).
Interview Date: 9/15/202 Tags: Linda Yael Schiller, dream work, dreamwork, nightmares, Jeremy Taylor, REM cycles, synchronicity, Dreams, Personal Transformation