SaaS companies have a lot of different efficiency metrics. And customer acquisition cost — the amount of money a company spends to get a new customer — is a ubiquitous SaaS metric.
How can SaaS companies achieve financial stability and transparency and calculate CAC correctly? What if we have basic calculations and our company matures? How are other metrics involved in the company's performance?
In this episode of The Role Forward, Joe Michalowski welcomes Ben Murray, the founder of The SaaS CFO. Joe and Ben get into SaaS, CAC calculations, and CAC profiles. They discuss the importance of having fully burdened cost centers to calculate CAC and describe LTV to CAC, CAC payback period, and CAC ratio metric calculating.
💡 Name: Ben Murray
💡 What he does: Ben is the founder of The SaaS CFO.
💡 Company: The SaaS CFO
💡 Noteworthy: Ben has worked in finance and accounting for 25+ years. He has been a SaaS CFO for 8+ years and began his career in the FP&A function. From debits and credits to financial forecasting and M&A, Ben's experience has not just been siloed in the accounting or finance track but on both sides of the desk. His operations background at several airlines has improved his ability to translate operational performance into improved financial understanding and foresight.
💡 Where to find Ben: LinkedIn | Website