Millionaire Maker and author Dan Kennedy and Great Legal Marketing's Ben Glass discuss the importance of trust-based marketing - Kennedy argues that the higher up the pyramid one goes, the more people are paid for who they are rather than what they do
Kennedy argues that resumes don't matter unless one is seeking a low-level position
Kennedy argues that the current environment of distrust and anxiety presents both peril and opportunity for marketers
We discuss the importance of trust-based marketing and how it has evolved over time
Kennedy argues that many professionals are doing something wrong by focusing on the product or service rather than the relationship with the customer - Kennedy contends that the focus should be on trust and the relationship, with the product or service as a secondary consideration - Glass discusses the unique challenges faced by lawyers in terms of time constraints and the need to differentiate themselves from the competition - Kennedy suggests ways to address these challenges, such as creating a closed funnel, getting the prospect off the internet as quickly as possible, and using a "shock and awe" package to create differentiation -
Glass and Kennedy discuss the importance of being perceived as an authority rather than a commodity - Kennedy argues that operating from fear is always wrong and that creating a sense of exclusivity can actually be beneficial
Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this
What Makes The GLM Tribe Special?
In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers.
One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixing
the actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.
There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.