Scoot over and let’s make some room this week in the passenger seat for our dear friend and very talented comedian, Taylor Tomlinson. In our chat today Taylor shares about her recent revelations on having future kids, backstage stories and quarrels with Dustin, her most shameless and embarrassing career moment during covid involving dairy and a hula hoop, we answer your questions, and much more!
For Taylor Tomlinson tour dates and specials head over to
Watch the new comedy special, Runs in the Family >> Dustin Nickerson | Runs in the Family (Full Comedy Special) #newcomedy #standupcomedy
Don’t forget, you can now WATCH the show on YouTube for the full featured experience here:
This Week’s Sponsor:
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Order Dustin's book: How to Be Married (To Melissa) today!”
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Don’t Make Me Come Back There is edited & produced in partnership with Andy Lara at