On today’s show we had a great conversation with neuro OT, Briana Elson. She is an AOTA fellowship trained neurologic occupational therapist from Brooks Rehabilitation in Jacksonville, FL who is also Board Certified in Physical Rehabilitation (BCPR) through AOTA and a Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) through Brain Injury Association of America. She is here to provide her insights on neuro rehabilitation from an occupational therapist’s perspective. We hear her career path, options and insights on occupational therapy education and mentorship, and treatment topics like functional cognition and intensity treatment in occupational therapy. Collaboration in neuro is critical to patient success and Briana brings a lot of great knowledge and tips for working better with your counterparts.
Find Briana @yourOTmentor on Instagram
https://yourotmentor.com for further information
LinkedIn Briana Elson