Of Boys and Men author Richard Reeves explains how we can address men's modern struggles without undermining women's gains.
What We Discuss with Richard Reeves:
- Men are falling behind in multiple areas — education (60/40 female/male college ratio), mental health (40,000 male suicides annually), and economically (wages for men without college degrees have remained flat since 1979).
- Society often overlooks men's struggles due to fears that addressing them might diminish focus on women's issues, creating a false "either/or" narrative when we need an "and" approach.
- Traditional male roles as breadwinners have diminished without being replaced by expanded roles, leaving many men feeling lost and vulnerable to extremist ideologies.
- Increasing social isolation affects men disproportionately, with 15% of men under 30 reporting they don't have a single friend, contributing to mental health challenges.
- Men can overcome these challenges by connecting with other men, developing meaningful friendships, pursuing their own authentic path, and recognizing there's nothing wrong with being male. Building supportive male relationships and communities is essential for well-being and can counteract isolation while providing positive models of masculinity.
- And much more...
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