Hosts Jason and Michael engage in a scholarly exploration of historical encounters with Foo Fighters alongside esteemed UK ufologist and author, Graeme Rendall. Drawing on research spanning from the 1940s to the 1960s, Rendall sheds light on the phenomenon that left aircrews from the RAF, SAAF, and USAAF perplexed during World War II.
The episode delves into the unexplained sightings of peculiar lights and objects witnessed by courageous pilots on missions over Occupied Europe. Rendall divulges the extensive efforts undertaken by Air Intelligence agencies to gather information on these puzzling encounters. However, despite their diligent endeavors, the true nature of these sightings remained elusive, giving rise to the persistent suspicion that German secret weapons may have been responsible.
The immediate aftermath of the war, during which exhaustive investigations of German facilities yielded inconclusive results. Drawing upon his book, he examines the encounters that took place across Germany, Italy, and the Balkans, providing a comprehensive analysis.
Furthermore, Rendall delves into the proposed weapon systems, whether real or imagined, as potential explanations for the phenomenon, boldly dispels the enduring myth of Nazi flying discs that emerged in the 1950s, the true nature of these encounters with technologically-advanced, intelligent beings.