Welcome to Episode 158 of the Being Human Podcast: Blessings for Same-Sex Couples? (An Invitation to go Deeper)
So many Catholics have been shocked, surprised, and confused by the recently-released Vatican document in which Pope Francis responds to questions regarding the blessing of couples in “irregular” or same-sex relationships. In this episode, Dr. Greg offers a response to the issue.
Discussed in the episode:
The importance of transcending political commentary and debates and focusing instead on creating a path forward as a Church;
What this current confusion can teach us;
Why this issue is actually an opportunity to bring the Church’s teaching about God’s plan for male and female to the forefront;
The importance of deepening our understanding about the truth, beauty, and goodness of 2000 years of Catholic teaching about human sexuality;
Why anything outside of God’s plan for marriage between a man and a woman is against our humanity;
What Christ’s example of eating with tax collectors and sinners, meeting the woman at the well, and reaching down to the woman caught in adultery means;
Why it’s important to have compassion for those struggling with sin, while still being careful not to legitimize the behavior of a sinful relationship;
Our role as thoughtful, intelligent, prayerful, and discerning Catholics;
Why we need to start with ourselves and our own interior conversion to make the Church better as a whole.
Resources mentioned or relevant:
On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings Declaration;
One Omission and Three False Dichotomies in the Vatican “Declaration” (blog post by Dr. Greg);
Being Human Podcast Episodes:
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II; ;
Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West;
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