Do you ever find yourself going through the motions? Operating as if you’re on auto-pilot?
Sometimes we get so used to the way things are that we forget to imagine the potential for the way things could be if we set our mind to it — if we asked the big questions and took the time to search for those answers. As a result, we settle into what’s comfortable in exchange for what’s possible.
No one achieves greatness on auto-pilot. So many people are living their lives by default instead of by design. When you go through life by default you’re committing to something ordinary. You’re choosing good enough when a life of impact, legacy, and abundance could be available to you. We’re going to dive into why goal setting to the now matters, the models that make accomplishing big goals possible, and unpacking the limiting beliefs that could be stopping you.
If you feel like you would like to take action, we encourage you to go to and you can learn more about implementing these frameworks.
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit:
In this episode, you will learn...
- [03:34] Staying in relationship with our goals
- [07:57] The types of goals we set and how they serve us
- [13:50] How to live The ONE Thing
- [19:54] Time blocking your priorities
- [23:48] Recapping how billionaires set their goals
- [27:06] Setting goals with the people who have a stake in your success
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