Street photography can be indoors, outdoors, on the street. There is a from very small to very big emotion that is elicited. Andi just just like on the street i was reacting to things that interest me. Even if it's, oh my gosh, i see a hint of a smile or a twinkle in somebody's eye and there's a story behind that.
Episode notes
We call ourselves street photographers, but let’s face it most of us don’t practice just one form of photography.
If this applies to you, then you have the opportunity to add interest to some of your other work by incorporating your street photography style in other genres. Of course this doesn’t apply to everything but it can add an interesting twist areas where you least expect it.
In this episode of I’m joined by guest co-host Debby Cole, a street photographer, speaker, author and visual storyteller from Austin, Texas. Together we discuss how we and others have applied a street-like, spontaneous style to other forms of photography like events, travel, weddings and even urban landscape.
So have a listen and please share your experiences and examples by sending them to We’ll post some of your responses in our newsletter.
Some examples of “street photography moments” found in other places
As photographers we are often asked to record the people and activities at various events, or we’re just here as participants (like weddings). These can be parties, parades, concerts…you name it. Just because you’re not on “the street” with your camera doesn’t mean that you can’t still pay attention to a moment that captures your attention and interest. These are often the photos that stand out.
This one is probably not a stretch for street photographers, but it’s worth a discussion. Most people when traveling to new places travelers are caught up trying to capture the perfect postcard shot of famous landmarks or landscapes. But a street photographer with an eye for “the moment” can spot them in the interactions and reactions to the sights by their fellow travelers
Without People
Even with no people present a photo can still be about them. Sometimes it’s a gesture made by a plant or inanimate a humanlike expression on an animal’s face or something that results from human presence. These can capture the street photographer’s attention inspiring them to capture the moment.
This is just a small example of where you can apply your street photography style in places other than “the street.” Wherever you are, keep your street photography antennae up to capture moments that are meaningful to you.