We ate a bag of performance waffles to get ready for this awesome episode! The first topic was a follow-up on the controversy about a gel that may have mislabeled its calorie count. We discuss emails from listeners that provide more context, along with what it might mean for food labeling generally. It's a wild, wild world out there!
The main training topic was Courtney Dauwalter's race-day nutrition, which she discussed in a recent interview. The GOAT says she only consumes 200 calories per hour during races, well below most other elite athletes. What are we seeing? We dive into metabolic variance, and how that might be relevant based on gender and background. There is lots of wiggle room to find what works for you! Become one with the slurp.
And there were so many other great topics! Other topics: how often nutrition labels might be misleading, what we predict will happen next in the controversy, strange body connections via David's post-crash experience, practicing competition in training, pre-training meals, why Vafels are our new favorite pre-training fuel, case studies on race-day fueling numbers, a fun study on "grounding" science, the 10k world record, the Pre Classic mile and how trash talk is making track more fun, David's experience with sodium bicarbonate prior to intense workouts, why frivolous pursuits are meaningful, a survey on sleeping in separate beds, Brooks' surprising new sponsored athlete (an actor!), and hot takes.
If you put this episode in a calorimeter, you'd see that it has enough energy to power a spaceship! Just don't check our math on that.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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