Do you ever wonder why you want what you want?
Our desires shape almost everything we do in life: what we value, what goals we pursue, who we choose for a romantic partner, and even what career paths we go down.
Yet very rarely do we stop to ask ourselves why we want these things.
In other words, what causes us to desire them in the first place?
In this interview I’m joined by Luke Burgis - a writer and academic who has recently published: Wanting; The Power of Mimetic Desire and How to Want What You Need.
In the book, Luke explores the work of René Girard and his theory of Mimetic Desire, which offers a fascinating and illuminating explanation for human desire.
In this interview, we discuss some of the key takeaways from the book, including:
- What mimetic desire is, and how deeply this is ingrained in human nature
- How understanding mimetic theory can help you transform your relationship to desire into one that leads to long-term fulfillment, contentment and wellbeing, rather than just getting caught up in the latest trend or fad
- How to change course if you have the nagging suspicion that might be on the wrong path in life
- The influence that 'models' may be having on you, and how to create boundaries with unhealthy ones
- The power of choosing ONE core, overarching desire to subordinate everything else to.
And more.
If you're interested in exploring this subject further, I highly recommend picking up a copy of "Wanting", and you can learn more about Luke's work at
Interview Links:
- Luke’s website:
- Luke’s book:
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