Season 2 of the Productea, product-led growth! Yuriy the advising legend. The man that crashes your browser memory because he has so many companies listed. He helped bring Grammarly to its legendary status and is an advisor to lots of prestigious companies like Airtable, Canva, Oyster, Whimsical, Flo, and many more.
0:00 Yuriys Introduction
12:10 Leah’s garbage CV
16:18 How does Yuriy position himself?
21:00 Interesting advising clients…. Airtable
24:00 Canva and how Yuriy landed it as an advising gig
27:35 Talking about what we do expands our knowledge
30:00 Machine learning in Tech, what’s the deal?
34:33 Warping the message and reality of the market by oversimplifying the message.
36:48 Looking from the outside looking in vs. being inside a company
42:50 What Traction is a success metric for Yuriy in advisory?
47:00 Discovery conversation and their structuring
49:10 Trends that Yuriy bets on
51:43 Where would Yuriy have liked to be a fly on the wall years ago
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