A listener writes in to find out why, as a pastor's kid, Nate uses expletives like "hell" and "damn" in Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl. (Shh, don't mention that Nate has written worse.) This leads to a discussion of the sliding scale of bad words -- truth is, no word is bad intrinsically. Seriously: a word's badness or goodness is dependent on how it's used -- on its place in the STORY. (This is SASF, people, you should have seen that coming.) Or, if you prefer to look at it this way, EVERY word is bad -- if used in a way God wouldn't. This naturally leads into a discussion of the nature of evil. Brian tries to lump Nate in with Augustine. Nate resists: Evil is not black goo you can add to things! And so this episode goes.
#StoriesAreSoulFood #SASF #BadWords #StrongLanguage #Augustine #Stories