Listen to PART ONE here FIRST if you haven't already:
That those most opposed to climate action are also those who want Canada to surrender into becoming the 51st U.S. State is unsurprising. U.S. conquest has usually happened as a result of the influence of oil and gas corporations, the same corporations that have thrown their support behind Trump. The interests of Canadian national sovereignty and those of oil and gas corporations are increasingly going in separate ways.
In Part One we discussed what you can do to help stand up against annexation and why corporate-sponsored climate denial has led us to this point. We also discussed why we need an even more rapid shift to a renewable economy, now more than ever, to remain independent of foreign powers like the United States.
Part Two is a Q&A on questions we have received from you since, like what would the many forms of annexation look like, how has the response from media been, how would annexation impact our influence on the U.S.'s politics, and more on why we should take the threat of annexation seriously.
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