The idea is that in order to envy what somebody else had or didn't have, we have to be comparing it to something now. We might look at them and go, holy cow, they had a life that was much simpler,. It's starting to become more and more known based on the studies that are happening. That one of the main problems that we have is that our world with all the technology that is in it is changing far more rapidly than we can keep up with emotionally and in growth. Before we can even hardly conceive of one thing, technology has changed it in a totally different direction.
Episode notes
I’ve been in business for 24 years, and I always hear people ask this question—“What’s my purpose? How do I find my purpose?” It gets to a point where people hyper-focus on it, as if they’re afraid to go through life and miss their purpose altogether. It can be anxiety inducing, at a certain point.
Over the years, I’ve studied and become more aware of the fact that we’re actually in our purpose all the time. From the moment of conception until death (and maybe even beyond), we’re in our purpose…whether we know it or not. So, what we’re really seeking is to be conscious of our purpose.
When’s the last time you asked yourself whether or not you like the quality and content of your current life? How excited are you about your life? Because the truth is… you give yourself what you feel you deserve.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
How many people struggle with not being enough—from people at the bottom, to multimillionaire entrepreneurs who are stuck in the machine they’ve built and don’t know how to get out
How the feeling of “not enough” comes from a self-image or a self-esteem based on a core wound that says, “I’m not enough”
How many of the world’s geniuses and top performers (like Michael Jordan) have been driven from an internal place of feeling like they’re not good enough
2 things that prevent you from being aware of what your purpose is (complexity and attachment)
Why, if your business requires your presence, you don’t have a business—you have a job
How everything in the universe has a purpose, and that purpose was here even before the thing itself
How not one human being is even close to understanding what God’s up to
Plus, I share my perspective on attachment. The things that we have in our life, are things we’re being blessed with. Once they’ve served their useful purpose, it’s time to let them go and bless somebody else with them.
But many people don’t view it that way. They hold onto things the way a hoarder would. They get emotionally attached to things that end up cluttering their life and making it more complex. This blocks them from creating the life they want—a life of purpose and meaning.
For more information on how you can join me in up-leveling your life and business go to
Part of building an elite mindset is developing the habit and practice of consistently doing things that lead you in the right direction… never taking your foot off the gas, and no longer getting in your own way.
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