WLRN's edition 41 podcast celebrates women's cultural gatherings by highlighting the spirit of community and female empowerment generated at the Michigan Framily Reunion (MFR), a women-only festival that takes place every year in the pines of Michigan.
Jenna and Thistle set up a WLRN table in the marketplace at MFR this year and had a blast meeting and greeting with all of the amazing women who showed up.
In this edition, hear the world news as written and delivered by WLRN's youngest member from India, Damayanti, before enjoying Alix Dobkin's classic song "If it Wasn't For the Women." Next, listen to an exclusive interview with Dawn Smith, founder and producer of the Michigan Framily Reunion as she reflects on the highlights of MFR 2019, the year of the Mother, and talks about plans for MFR 2020, the year of the Dragyn. After the interview, hear a sound collage of women gathered this year in the woods of Michigan chatting, attending workshops and singing. The sound collage is framed by Nedra Johnson's song "August Moon" and begins with a brief interview with Alix Dobkin right after she led her workshop called Lesbian Issues that over 60 women attended. In the collage you will also hear Nina Paley and Ruth Barrett as they relax in the space Ruth set up in the marketplace for radical feminist discussion before it ends with a stroll along the trail and encounter with women singing together. Next, enjoy the song "Rocks & Water" by Deb Talon before WLRN's Jenna DiQuarto rocks the commentary with her reflections on MichFest, MFR and radical feminist community-building.
Photo taken by a festie at the WLRN table in the MFR marketplace. From left to right: Jenna, Thistle, Agnes and the lucky winner of a WLRN hand-screen printed shirt. Banner designed by Natasha Petrov featured at the booth.
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