Speaker 2
We don't know what they did in the locker room in terms of what they looked at and what they saw. I think, I think on the broadcast, they said they re-taped him because that would make sense. They take all the tape down and they're, they can now, they can, they can, they can tape him, you know, they may not have taken it all the way down. They may have just taken a portion of it down. And they may have done a couple quick tests back in the locker room or the tunnel that we couldn't see that
Speaker 3
said to them, okay, if you can do these things, you know, you know,
Speaker 2
we'll let you go back out. We'll see or, you know, kind of like we'll see, we'll see.
Speaker 3
They may not have committed to him, but they may have just said, we'll see. And he clearly was pushing
Speaker 3
go back out. So
Speaker 2
I think the combination of he really wants to go and they probably had a conversation, you know, these things happen with conversations. That's the part I think people think there's like a decision and it's done, but there's all kinds of communication happening between, in this case, in Kansas City in particular, the head athletic trainer, Rick Burkholder, is long time. I mean, he's got so much experience. He's very well established and he's got experience with Andy Reed. He was with Andy Reed in Philly and came over with him to Kansas City. Andy trusts Rick Burkholder as much as he trusts anyone he works with. I guarantee you that. And so there's a conversation that's happening too with the athlete of, you know, this is what we're saying. This is what it looks like. At the minute, we see you can't protect yourself or, you know, if this or this or this happens and you're coming back out. I mean, it's not necessarily like once you get to go back in, you can't reel him back out of the game. So again, I think this goes for just about every injury that happens in a game where you see a player potentially come back and then whether they stay or come out. It's not once they've decided he can go back in that they're like, oh, well, you know, we can't pull him back. They absolutely can and they reserve the right to do it if they see something they don't like.
Speaker 1
So let's fast forward to this week and what you've seen this week and, you know, the thing everyone wants to hear, right, which is like what's what is prospects look like? Obviously we know that in the line right now, there is an indication that my homes will be less than 100%. I think that's fair to say. And you know, Rufus, maybe you can sort of speak to that and then maybe we can talk a little bit about whether you, Stefania, agree with that sort of like probability assessment and you know, what you think his prospects are for this week. So Rufus, once you go ahead and talk a little bit about the numbers and then maybe Stefania can get into a little bit about what she thinks on that. Okay. So from my perspective, right now the game is a pick. If my homes is fully healthy, I would have the Chiefs is about a four and a half point favorite. I have my homes being worth about eight points over Chad Henny in a full game. If my homes is 100% healthy. So right there it's saying that, you know, my homes is probably going to play but is somewhere between like right in the middle between regular homes and Henny, which I mean, I would love to hear your sort of thoughts on how, how limited he could actually be and what impact you think that