This episode was so wonderful to listen back to! We hope you enjoy. We will be back with Season 8 on August 15th!
Imagine an easy, slow morning: you wake up, have breakfast with your family, do an activity with your kids or explore a hobby on your own, work for a couple of hours, then have the rest of the day to yourself. This reality is attainable, but more importantly, you don't need to sacrifice income when you make shifts to get to a more aligned schedule. Today Giselle & Jen chat with Kelsey Kerslake all about her journey from *needing* to make some quick cash to pay her bills to owning and running a 7-figure business.
Kelsey Kerslake is a multi-passionate CEO of two companies: Pinegate Road, and the Aligned Business. Kelsey has been helping entrepreneurs and businesses build their brands and market their online presences for over a decade. She is a business strategist, coach, and mentor for service-providers, coaches, and educators looking to scale their online businesses in complete alignment with the lives they want to live and the values they hold. She deeply believes that everyone has the potential to make their dreams reality and her businesses help online business owners define their future vision and literally bring it to life through coaching, strategy, design, and websites.
Inbox Question:
"How do you get the client to agree the project is finished?" - Jessica Robinson
Links Mentioned:
Kelsey's Instagram:
The Aligned Business Academy:
The Aligned Business Mastermind:
Kelsey's Website:
Kelsey's resources:
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