According to UK charity The Men’s Health Forum, two thirds of all men are affected by male pattern baldness in their lifetime. That won’t be a surprise to anyone, but would you have guessed that an estimated 50% of women also experience noticeable hair loss according to the Cleveland Clinic.
We actually have around 100,000 hair follicles on our head, of which we lose between 50 and 100 every day, completely naturally. Hair loss isn’t usually any cause for real concern on its own, but of course it can be caused by cancer treatment. Even if a person’s health isn’t affected by their hair loss, It can still be an upsetting experience. Some types of hair loss are temporary. This can happen when a person has an iron deficiency, is stressed or loses weight suddenly due to a restrictive diet for example.
Isn’t hair loss mostly hereditary? Are there any ways of stopping it? What about hair transplants? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions!
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A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance.
First broadcast: 24/2/2023
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