There’s a familiar quote from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who said, “Change is the only constant in life.” The tension with this statement is that we are naturally wired for comfort. Perhaps our pursuit is really a longing for peace. Maybe it’s for control. But what we do know is that change is inevitable, so we can either resist it or embrace it.
Logically we know that change is a part of life, and it is certainly a part of leadership, but history is a graveyard of leaders and organizations that were unwilling to navigate change at critical moments. As the leader, the change must start with you. You must embrace it first to lead us through it. You must get gut-level honest with yourself about what must change in order for your organization to thrive
In this week’s episode, Jenni introduces us to the “Keep/Start/Stop” exercise and teaches us how to embrace change with three simple steps that will help us identify what must change, why we’re resisting change, and how we can involve our teams in the process.
We want to hear from you! Email to share your “what must change” take-away from today’s episode, what questions we can answer in a future episode, or which guests you would love to hear from!
For a next step, we encourage you to connect with one of our trained and experienced 4Sight Group: Leadership Coaches to help you navigate leading through change and determining what must change. All leaders agree that the culture of your organization matters. But culture starts with you! Transform your team from disengaged to thriving, from divided to collaborative, and from toxic to trusting.
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