blessings | blessings in Christ | blessings and curses | curses | curses in the Bible | how do blessings and curses work in the Bible | how do I know if I am cursed | how to remove a curse | can a Christian be cursed
Join us for our continued exploration into blessings and curses in the Bible. In Part 1, we delved into the essence of blessings, unraveling the Biblical ways they're bestowed. If you missed it, catch up here:
In Part 2, we shift our focus to curses.🤔 What are curses, and how do they manifest in Scripture? Discover the Biblical perspective on how to break a curse.
-Utterance intended to invoke supernatural power to cause harm to something or someone
-Offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance
-Divine judgment placed on a sinful person for sinful actions or punishment or misfortune
-Generational curse
#remnantradio #blessings #curses #theology #theologypodcast #theologydiscussion
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