The great project of the Enlightenment was to bring reason to the forefront.
No more would humans be held back by superstitions: the power of the mind was all that was needed for advancement.
Three centuries on though, and some people are beginning to think the pendulum has swung too far.
Celebrated journalist and public intellectual Stan Grant joined John onstage in Sydney for a live recording of Undeceptions to discuss this new disenchanted age.
- (02:19) - - Introduction: Everything we wished for is here, and that's a problem
- (07:55) - - Stan Grant arrives
- (08:56) - - The Voice to Parliament
- (14:38) - - Stan on St Augustine
- (16:43) - - Stan's early life
- (19:48) - - Beginning a career in journalism
- (31:38) - - What makes you 'Australian'?
- (34:57) - - Deconstructing the Enlightenment
- (41:45) - - Truth-telling
- (43:28) - - Stan's theological journey
- (49:43) - - Reflections of suffering
- (56:01) - - 5 Minute Jesus
- (01:00:02) - - Hasn't Christianity done terrible damage to Indigenous cultures?