In today's episode I share 4 (or 4.5) tips for creating benchmarks along your language journey to guarantee that your future self will recognize and believe that you're making progress. In language learning, it's really easy to be so down in the weeds and the details of studying and practicing that progress feels slow or even stagnant. Yet, every single word we learn is a tiny bit of growth, and the more progress we see, the more we keep coming back for more. But it can be difficult to recognize that progress, especially if we don’t work toward a particular measure of progress like taking a level exam or counting the number of words we learn or something like that.
But why wait for those big measures of progress to happen? At any point in your language journey, you can intentionally create meaningful bencharks that will set you up for future moments of progress recognition. I hope today's episode allows you to brainstorm some creative ideas that bring a little extra excitement, motivation, and pride into your language life.
If you like the idea of making sure you see the language progress that you're making (because you are making progress), check out episode 22 here, where I talk about the role mindfulness also plays in seeing and believing our language progress.
Links to other resources for getting ideas on how to realize and measure your language progress and growth:
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Love, Joy, and Languages Blog
All podcast episodes can be found here.
Instagram: @love.joyandlanguages
Twitter: @LoveJoy_Lang