Kate, known online as Austin Scholar, is a teenage author writing about education in the 21st Century. Kate is a senior at Alpha High School in Austin, TX, where she started her newsletter, writing about her experience in alternative education and her advice to parents from a teenagers perspective.
In this episode, you’ll learn about the innovative and modern approach to education taking place at Alpha, how Kate’s education has shaped her teenage years and allowed her interests to blossom, the power of social media and technology for the future generation, and how parents can help support their kid’s entrepreneurial endeavors.
This episode is sponsored by John Galt Mortgage Company
0:00 - Austin Scholar
2:38 - The Genesis of Austin Scholar
4:43 - Creating a Brand Angle
7:54 - Evolution of Entrepreneurial Thinking
11:08 - The Super Power of Self Reflection
12:45 - Love for Writing and Reading
13:29 - Starting a Business as a Kid
19:31 - Starting a Substack at 15
28:17 - Sponsor: John Galt Mortgage Company
29:34 - Teenagers and Social Media
36:53 - Using Social Media Effectively
41:33 - Developing Healthy Habits
47:37 - Reading For The Love of Reading
53:13 - Nurturing a Love for Poetry
58:58 - Pioneering a New Form of Alternative Education
1:02:39 - Advice to Parents
1:05:50 - What’s Next for Austin Scholar?
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Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Documentary Film on Cancer: A Food Borne Illness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K1nltw3wZA
Why Your Teen Should Write on Twitter: https://austinscholar.substack.com/p/austin-scholar-43-why-your-teen-should
Connect with Austin Scholar:
Substack | https://austinscholar.substack.com
Twitter | https://twitter.com/AustinScholar
Kate’s Writing Course | https://www.equationbasedwriting.com/
Connect with Hannah Frankman:
Twitter | https://twitter.com/HannahFrankman
RebelEducator | https://twitter.com/rebelEducator
Website | http://hannahfrankman.com
Follow along for conversations on education, lifestyle, personal development, and freedom. All in ardent pursuit of a life well lived.