In this episode: Dan, Andy, and special guest Alex Goldman of the now defunct Reply All podcast, Slow Fawns band, and more join together for Episode 7 of Object Worship. Leading off the episode with an odd call from the HOG-LINE HOT LINE* where we found out something before the rest of the world(!!). Alex brings his Boss RV-3 pedal as his Object of Worship and the conversation twists and winds all around it—smashing melodies with the Meris Ottobit and a Prophet 6, new discoveries in magical tone loss, and is the Boss BF-2 really called the Boss Boss Flanger 2 Flanger?
Keep up with Alex Goldman:
Slow Fawns
Reply All
Western Kabuki
Object Worship is a production of OBNE
* (505) 633-4647 call for a weird time and leave a voice memo for a chance to make it into a future episode of Object Worship.