Speaker 1
First, the fact that we are created in the image of god. Let us make man. The hebrew there is adam. Let us make man. Let us make adam. And we'll see later that adam was a plural also, meaning both the man and the woman both adam. Andeve were adam, were adam. God created them. And it's in us behind that creation. Let us make men. Now we saw let us go down before, and we wondered, is this us as in son and father? Is that us as in son and and michael? Or a more broad us, as in christ and the noble and great ones? Well this one we know for sure, is an us of the father that he personally condescends to participate in this crowning act of creation. Because it's not metaphorical or or allegorical here. This is literal, that we are sons and daughters of heavenly parents. So as not even that we take after the divine attributes. Because in the moses version, this is moses chapter six, wi'll get to it later in the day, that god created man in the likeness of god made he him. But now how's this for specific in the image of his own body, male and female created. He them and blessed them and called their name adam in the day when they were created. You see the oneness that's meant to exist bet man and woman, husband, wife. And between god and humanity. We're created after the image of the body of god. And that applies as much to male as it does to female. Proclamation, he moral in the family. Gender is part of our a premortal, mortal and eternal identity and purpose. It's part of divinity, not just part of mortality. So think about what that means as far as heavenly parents, plural, are concerned. The us here is mind blowing. Now on the one hand, yes, we can say father and son, because the moses version, moses two 26, i god said, unto mine only begotten, which was with me from the beginning, let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And so he does. I god created man in mine own image, in the image of mine only begotten, created i him. We saw that last week with moses chapter one. I am creating you, moses, my son, in similitude of mine only begotten. But even that only begotten. Let's be more specific. Christ is the only begotten son of god in the flesh. In other words, in mortality. Spiritually speaking, we're all begotten, begotten sons and daughters of god. That's what the spiritual creation was for. And christ is our eldest brother. But when it comes to physical creation, christ is the only begotten son of god in the flesh because that was required in order for him to be able to effect the atonement, that he had to have divinity and mortality ndtogether in one. And that's where where christmas underwrites easter. That's where incarnation underwrites atonement. But there's another form of begotten, and that's not begotten into mortality, but adam and eve, begotten into immortality as a son and daughter of heavenly parents. The abraham version, chapter four, verse 26.