On Thursday March 30th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon (or
Roygnon) will review and discuss the 1982 Bestseller "Holy Blood, Holy
Grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. This is the
book that generated "The Da Vinci Code" and is the first mainstream
modern speculation on Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene and possibly
having heirs who become The Grail Family and, according to the author's
become the magical, holy bloodline of the Legendary Merovingian dynasty
of French Kings in the days of King Arthur. This bloodline is
perpetuated and protected by a medieval secret society that still exists
in modern France, The Priory of Sion (Zion). The book is a door-stopper
and not very well organized. They try to make it read like a detective
story rather than a straight forward documentary presentation. Unless
you are fascinated by the subject you may get bogged down with all the
mystery before you reach the solution -- but if you stick with it the
overall effect is convincing. And to devout Christians perhaps shocking.
There are some problems, not with the idea of the Grail family. That is
very well presented, but with the authenticity of the Priory of Sion
itself. Yes there was one back in medieval times -- but is today's
fraternity and its family leadership directly connected to the early
medieval Merovingians? In any case the book is a great introduction to
this fascinating subject. It certainly got me to looking into my old
French antecedents. I discovered the Merovingian "golden bees" on the
Roygnon family crest and began to wonder if I had a little of this
magical blood? I recall Hamlet said: "To bee or not to bee." I wonder if
he was Merovingian. Tune in and we'll explore the mystery of the Grail