Speaker 2
Really great. Now I want to jump forward. So on YouTube, you are known as the semen retention queen. And this is where my listeners go, wait, what are we talking about? Well, I just want to make a connection here. First of all, I've been really, you know, digging deep and researching into attention, focus, distraction, addiction, and so forth, validation seeking. It's all connected, right? And so you're here today, because I thought when I was listening to your videos, here's a young woman, clearly that's turned her life around. And you are now committed to not only getting masculinity to become healthy again, right? And femininity as well. And these are just my words, but, and you can get into details here in a minute. But the semen retention really caught my attention because if we look at sexual energy and giving that away so freely, right? If a young boy, for example, is into compulsive masturbation, right? There's energy always spilling out, spilling out, spilling out, spilling out. And I've noticed that we have a lot more depressed and anxious young men. A lot of young boys are already on porn, on social media, which Instagram to me is half porn, if you will. And so I want to talk about how did you get to this sort of niche topic and said, I'm going to talk, me as a young woman, going to talk to men about semen retention, right? Because that's a very bold move and I love it. So, so, so talk to me, talk to us about how you got there and what it, what it means for you.
Speaker 1
You know, the story upon me, like even just further knowing, you know, about semen retention and, and even just aspiring to be in the space of actually from actually, you know, cause I was a part of, like, I like to say, it's kind of like the hidden sex slave industry, which is Instagram models, only fans, you know, even like TikTok dancing, it's all a part of this over-sexualization that is gratifying you within your own need to seek validation that is from an outside source and not an internal source. So for me, I got to a point within my life where I was done. I was so fed up. I was so exhausted of trying to be this person. I knew I was not. The whole time I was doing OnlyFans, I knew that this was not in alignment to me. I didn't want to. It was just, I couldn't face myself. I couldn't face the part of myself that wanted my own love, that wanted my validation. I didn't want to hear her out because by me hearing that part of myself out, I would have had to fully embrace myself in my flaws, my trauma, the parts of myself that never felt good enough. But I really do. I owe it to I always owe it to like my higher mind that was always guiding me because I'm actually at a point right now in my life. so grateful. I went through OnlyFans. I'm so, so grateful that I was able to put myself in that space to actually turn like my karma into my Dharma because that's what happened. I, out of OnlyFans, out of over-sexualizing myself for like, seven years, I further grasped, wow, that was definitely a part of who I am now. However, that was not me in truth. That was just a prerequisite to get me to the woman I am today and the purpose I have. And that was first and foremost, by tasting that, that men struggle with, you know, me being a part of making men weak, me being a part of not showing up in, in truth. So by that, I actually got to, I got like brought to my knees. I was like, I am so done. I actually, like, I went through a huge, just, I like to call it I went to war with the part of myself that was keeping me in in that constant rat race of just validation and running and doing whatever doing this like circus show for people just to fuel something. And spirit really actually sat me down and was like, you have to face yourself, my dear. And by you facing yourself, you will actually unlock your very own love, your very own validation, and it will be an infinite supply. You don't have to be running to other people. You have it inside of you. And this is really what happened. Like I got so much guidance when I was in the sauna, actually weird enough. And I was like, okay, okay. And then I made a commitment to myself that next day after I got really, I, I tried, I had to like, really like look at myself and be like, wake up girl, you got to wake up. And sometimes spirit will give you wake up calls in your life. And you can either run away from it because you're scared or you'll use all of that energy of that fear into propelling you actually into a version that will assist you. So that's what happened. You know, with the whole semen retention thing, I had no idea what semen retention was at all. It truly stemmed from actually just me believing in myself, believing in my voice, making a commitment to do a YouTube video every single day using the very instrument, which was my voice to solidify my purpose work. And I haven't missed an upload since that day I made that promise to myself. And that's been almost six months. So with that, I just kept on getting guidance of Maya, do a video about this, do a video about this. And one of these videos was semen retention. And from there, it was like a piece of the puzzle got put together into the grand scheme of my life's path. And it fits so perfectly because I further learned more about what I had to go through to bring me to a place where I can actually motivate people, inspire people, and uplift people throughout my own inability to do that in the past. And now my ability to grant myself that and hopefully other people. That's,
Speaker 2
that's beautiful. Yeah. I remember watching some of your videos, and I was just really amazed by how much of a stand you are, this case for men, to stop spilling their seeds, right? To stop this sort of compulsive masturbation, watching porn, sexualizing stress and anger, and really, you know, what's the word? I can't think. I'm not as sharp today as I normally am. There's a word, it's at the tip of my tongue, but basically it's like, you know, creating women as sex objects in our minds, right? And then we walk around the streets and because I've heard this before and it's true, and I've had my own experience with porn where the more I would watch at the time, the more I would be out in the world and I would sort of have this, these lenses, these pornographic lenses on and it dehumanizes, in my case, it dehumanizes women or a woman, right? And so, so I really am amazed how you took that stand. And I just want to talk about a little bit of this sort of like not being able to focus or be in the present moment and be distracted by this, right? We talked about this and how it relates to what we call attention deficit, right? Anything that distracts us from being in the present moment, especially spilling our semen in this case, I believe is a huge factor. Yeah,
Speaker 1
it totally is. And I just want to first preface that it first stems from, you know, I think we have a responsibility, especially if you're a parent, to further allow your children to know about their sacred sexuality. in this generation, even like setting our kids up to understanding themselves. No one, no one knows themselves. So how can they provide that to a child when a child actually probably knows themselves and their parent more so than the parent. And within that, we come down onto this planet, knowing exactly who we are. We know about the connection to spirit. We know about this planetary energy, although we're disconnected by the illusionary principle of being on a 3D planet, it is also really important. And I have such a passion towards this because I can see how much profound change it actually can make in the next generation. When parents or, you know what, even when you're in your 20s, you don't need to start, you know, when you're already have children. Right now, as a 24 year old woman, I read, I read parenting books, I read books upon like how to emotional, emotionally regulate myself, to further set me up for success. And then so I can provide success for my children to live in a world knowing their innate power, knowing their innate wisdom, knowing that their attention is a beautiful gift that we as human beings have. And it's my responsibility to allow my attention to be put upon my child in a way that will actually serve their future. I don't, it's not my responsibility, you know, and it's not my necessarily role to make a beautiful child into a version that I think is appropriate because we're, we can't accept ourselves and that's the number one flaw. And then we look outside of ourselves to further, you know, numb ourselves because then at least we feel good for short amounts of time, instead of really sitting back in our own suffering of not knowing our worth or avoiding maybe our pain body that comes online. So yeah, we go on porn sites, we, we, we don't view our sacred sexuality as an actual true channel back to thy higher self. And that's what it is. Life force energy is a direct channel to the highest possible energy that you can connect to and that will guide you there. But we misuse that energy because corn sites or sorry, porn sites, you know, those are very low calibrational sites that suck a man's soul, that sucks his life force energy. And that's why it's free, because there is an exchange. And it's not a great exchange, because you're getting nothing in return. And these sites are actually getting fueled by the very energy that you give it. And that's why these sites are so huge. That's why these sites are probably billion dollar companies, because they're actually making a lot of profit off of making you a disempowered individual, always seeking external pleasures. And pleasure is actually just the shadow of full joy. It's a shadow of what the potential of your joy actually is.
Speaker 2
Yeah. It's, it's amazing how, you know, when we look at, um, uh, I call it spilling the seed, right. When we sort of are, are, uh, not careful with who we give our attention to our, our energy, right. I kind of, we can, we can use it as the same term it's like when you give attention sexual attention or lust or desire to something i mean you're giving your attention away i always say it's your most valuable commodity right the tension is what every advertiser wants your eyeballs on their product so if we give that away we give away our power and you often talk about life force energy right right? If we talk about sexual energy, it's really life force. And life force energy is creative and it creates, it allows us to manifest things in life. But if we give that away so carelessly to porn sites, to women or men, right? This is men and women equally. Then we are essentially sort of, we fall into the symptom of like, oh, can't pay attention, can't sit still, can't be a functional member of society, right? So it's all connected. But where do we start? Where do you start? What do you tell men as advice why they should do semen retention? What are the benefits, right? Yeah,
Speaker 1
like, it's interesting, because, you know, it's a lot of, it's kind of like that kind of shock factor of hearing a woman talking about semen retention, and because I don't have, I don't have, like, necessarily the male parts, but what I've done within retaining my own sexual energy is tap into the power behind my own sacred sexuality. And this energy is the same for men as it is for women. It's our life force energy that has brought us here. That is the very energy that allows us to further prosper in this life. And when our life force energy is continuously depleted, we're not going to be running on a full tank of gas. We're going to be very drained, lacking zero inspiration, lacking zero just drive in our lives to push us forward. Because we're giving our abundance of energy into things that make us feel like shit just to solidify the very belief system that we're not worthy that we're disempowered that we have you know even mental illnesses and then we settle we settle for feeling like shit because that's what people have made us feel. And to actually, this is why I preach about semen retention, because what you're doing is doing such a grand act of self-love for you men, because you're actually saying no more. You're cutting ties to a lot of things that are specifically put on men's paths, like Instagram, like sneaky things, advertisements, music videos, all over sexualization of the female body. And it's not wrong that men fall into these traps. You guys are wired to kind of yearn for the femininity, to yearn for females. And we're misusing that very principle in a manipulative way to make actually men and women weak. Women who participate in the sexual or sex industry, they know, I promise you, every single individual in that structure knows it's not empowering. Your soul doesn't get empowered by that. It's your egoic needs that need outside stimuli, need outside pleasure, need outside people to feed these voids within. And what steam and retention does is it allows you to become aware of your void. Because when you retain your sexual energy, you're first and foremost recalibrating your energetic body into a healthier energetic naturally when you retain your sexual energy. You're allowing that open channel to further instruct you into perhaps higher thoughts that are correlated to perhaps a higher timeline that has nothing to do with you depleting your seed in women in sites for what to make you feel depleted first and foremost do you have a purpose for yourself do you have any discipline how do you view yourself every single day how do you view women every single day who are you a man? What's your self-concept like? Do you work out? Are you healthy? Do you have any emotional regulation? Or are you continuously playing victim in your life? And what semen retention does for me that I see in men, it creates your victim mentality into the victor mentality, because you're overcoming the most deep, deep rooted obstacle and pit that men fall down. And you're overcoming that. So that that's why I do that. Amazing.
Speaker 2
Yeah. And I like what you said about, you know, with women, it's the same thing, right? It's it's life force energy. So for women to say, let me just call it a pleasure retention or masturbation retention, right? The opposite of compulsive masturbation that happens both women and men. And usually there's some kind of sexual trauma in the past, right? Or in the child's life that later as an adult, we use it because we know it feels good, right? Physically, it feels good to touch ourselves. And so we use it to numb out we use it to check out or to avoid like you said avoid feeling the feelings avoid meeting yourself and mostly it's like to avoid like being in this moment of like nothing's happening it's quiet I'm not distracted. And it's uncomfortable, right? Because we always feel like, well, I need to, I need something needs to be happening. I need, I need to get going. I need to do the grind. I need to succeed. I need to achieve something. Right. And what I'm hearing is this, and I've experienced this, uh, since I've watched your videos early on, it's been like, I think I told you, 70 plus days of semen retention and no porn and masturbation. And I've felt better. I've had better energy. My memory worked better. I was more present with my children. And I'm done with porn, so that's not an issue. But I really wanted to feel the semen retention that I told you had a silly wet dream. And it's natural. It happens. But I felt like I was like, oh, no, because the next few days, my energy was different, right? It's not like I did it viciously. It's not like I did something to seek validation. But I did notice the drop in energy. I didn't feel grounded. I felt a bit more what we would call ADHD-ish versus really fully focused and present in my life. And that's why I was like, we got to do an episode around this because for me, this sort of untethered, blowing in the wind, blowing in the wind person that's not not focused, I believe needs to be stripped of all distraction in order to meet themselves. Right.
Speaker 1
You just, you said so many great points there. And I think that's truly what it is. It's like that stripping of like everything that we've kind of collected here on planet earth since we were children, all the heavy things that you carry every day don't belong to you because you came on a planet earth with zero baggage, zero. So anything that you're carrying that makes you feel weighed down, small, even like the parts of yourself that hurt, it's not you. That's not you. You came here pure. You came here in the true image of the creator who created you and you're so worthy. You wouldn't be on planet earth if you weren't worthy of your very own existence. That's your confirmation that you're worthy. And that's why I think it's just so important that we as men and women, we have a higher purpose on planet earth than, than to, to not speak about these things. What you and I are speaking about right now is truly impacting, even if we're not consciously aware of it in the outside world we're we're healing the collective energies by discussing the importance upon them and you know bringing to light the dark and when we bring to light the things that have been kept on in the shadow first and foremost yes it can stimulate some some fear some some triggers maybe maybe some viewers are triggered because maybe, you know, maybe they, a lot of people hold so much shame towards their sexuality too. And that is a problem because sexuality should not be shamed. And it's shamed because first and foremost, well, as children, we're not brought up knowing about our sexual energy. So then that leads our children to find out for themselves through, you know, websites like porn, you know, watching porn all day because they're like, Oh, wow, this is this is cool. This feels good. Women Wow. And then it also provides our children with a very false sense of what sexual energy is. Sexual energy is seriously, and I can say this because I've harnessed my own, I've been retaining my sexual energy for almost six months, like zero masturbation, no sex. I've been actually allowing this energy to build and build and build. And now when I have turn on, like I get turned on every day, not by sexual, sexual things, not by thinking about men, not by thinking about pleasure in my body. I get turned on by today's a new day. I get to create something. I get to create a YouTube video. I get to connect to this, this channel that I've made to spirit. I get to go on my walk and I get to actually see a tree as a tree. I get to hug a tree and feel the tree because that same energy that I've allowed myself to fully grasp is the same that that tree has inside of it. And I can connect to things at a deeper level than just my short term pleasure that a lot of people only view human beings for is what can I gain from this person? What can they feed me instead of not being a fulfilled human being? And that's where we as human beings are lacking in today's society. Yeah,